The Speakeasy Series is an experimental theatrical experience that is ambiguously and
vaguely marketed to our audiences.
Attendees only know what they will be witnessing once the lights come up on our production.
The first installment of this series premiered to a completely sold out house for the entirety of its run.
"This springs’ arrival of The Larking House’s “Speakeasy Series Vol. 1” was nothing short of breath- taking. The production was full of honesty, vulnerability, and the perfect amount of shock factor. Vol. 2 is much anticipated and I look forward to having a seat when it happens!”
— C. Bustos,
Speakeasy Series: Vol. 1 audience member
"The Larking House & their Speakeasy Series has blown me away. Lizzy McCabe's direction paired with her passionate & committed cast is an experience I will never forget. You don't have to know what they're doing... you can just trust that it's going to be quality work."
— N. Michal
Speakeasy Series: Vol 1 audience member